
Wednesday Jul 24, 2019
Transparent Sandwiches
Wednesday Jul 24, 2019
Wednesday Jul 24, 2019
What difference does it make, if any, when you're able to see the chef preparing your food. And importantly, when the chef is able to see you. Dan and Akin dive into research which takes on these questions and bring some curious findings to the surface.
- Research Paper: 'Creating Reciprocal Value Through Operational Transparency' by Ryan W. Buell, Tami Kim and Chia-Jung Tsay

Wednesday Jul 17, 2019
Man on the Moon
Wednesday Jul 17, 2019
Wednesday Jul 17, 2019
Ever gone the extra 238,855 miles for your job? That's the distance from Earth to the Moon. In this episode, Dan and Akin talk about the space race and how the moon landing was achieve by changing the meaning of work.
- Research Paper: '‘‘I’m Not Mopping the Floors, I’m Putting a Man on the Moon’’: How NASA Leaders Enhanced the Meaningfulness of Work by Changing the Meaning of Work' by Andrew M. Carton

Wednesday Jul 10, 2019
Wednesday Jul 10, 2019
Wednesday Jul 10, 2019
Expressing gratitude has scientifically proven benefits, both for expressor and recipient, and seems like an all-round good thing to do. So why aren’t we doing this more often? Turns out there’s some very good reasons, and those reasons can be overcome.
- Research Paper: 'Undervaluing Gratitude: Expressers Misunderstand the Consequences of Showing Appreciation' by Amit Kumar and Nicholas Epley

Thursday Jul 04, 2019
Introducing Dan and Akin
Thursday Jul 04, 2019
Thursday Jul 04, 2019
Hello, listeners. Thanks for joining us. Here's a brand new, weekly podcast for you all. It features professor Dan Cable and comedian Akin Omobitan. In each episode, the two candidly discuss a published social science paper and squeeze out the best bits just for you. It's fun, raw and insightful. We hope you enjoy listening as much as these two enjoy talking with one another. You can find and follow them both on Twitter: @DanCable1 and @AkinOmobitan.
Artwork by Victor Pãtrãşcan.
Music by Nico Lupo.
Sponsored by Essentic.