
Wednesday Oct 23, 2019
The Early Career Setback
Wednesday Oct 23, 2019
Wednesday Oct 23, 2019
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger? Dan and Akin go back and forth over a research paper that proves the old adage correct. It is possible, probable even, that by persevering through failure, you come out the other side harder, better, faster, stronger.
- Research Paper: 'Early-career setback and future career impact' by Yang Wang, Benjamin F. Jones & Dashun Wang

Wednesday Oct 09, 2019
Wednesday Oct 09, 2019
Wednesday Oct 09, 2019
WARNING! The following episode may cause you to delete your Facebook account. Dan and Akin bump heads with Facebook, the bad boy of social media, attending to research linking negative emotional states with time spent on the site.
- Research Paper: 'Facebook’s emotional consequences: Why Facebook causes a decrease in mood and why people still use it.' by Christina Sagioglou and Tobias Greitemeyer

Wednesday Oct 02, 2019
Purpose: A Matter of Life and Death
Wednesday Oct 02, 2019
Wednesday Oct 02, 2019
Dan and Akin get existential, sinking their chops into a study that finds a direct correlation between your sense of purpose and how long you'll live. Fire up some incense for this one!
- Research Paper: 'Purpose in Life as a Predictor of Mortality Across Adulthood' by Patrick L. Hill, Nicholas A. Turiano

Wednesday Sep 25, 2019
Don't Stop Believin'
Wednesday Sep 25, 2019
Wednesday Sep 25, 2019
Anxiety vs. Excitement. The brain has a lot more ability and potential than we give it credit for when we're stressed. Dan and Akin unravel research that finds you can improve performance by reappraising anxiety as excitement.
- Research Paper: 'Get Excited: Reappraising Pre-Performance Anxiety as Excitement' by Alison Wood Brooks

Wednesday Sep 18, 2019
Men in Uniform
Wednesday Sep 18, 2019
Wednesday Sep 18, 2019
Ring the alarm! Dan and Akin don their intellectual overalls taking on a study that contributes a more nuanced understanding of gender, emotions and organisational culture. The organisational culture in this case being the male-dominated environments of fire departments.
- Research Paper: 'Is Love All You Need? The Effects of Emotional Culture, Suppression, and Work–Family Conflict on Firefighter Risk-Taking and Health' by Olivia Amanda O’Neill and Nancy P. Rothbard

Wednesday Sep 11, 2019
Humble Leadership
Wednesday Sep 11, 2019
Wednesday Sep 11, 2019
Dan and Akin set their sights on the workplace. More explicitly, the people in leadership positions. Why is there so much talk about humble leadership and what does it even mean?
- Research Paper: 'Modeling How to Grow: An Inductive Examination of Humble Leader Behaviors, Contingencies, and Outcomes' by Bradley P. Owens and David R. Hekman

Wednesday Sep 04, 2019
The Devil You Know
Wednesday Sep 04, 2019
Wednesday Sep 04, 2019
Hiders and revealers captivate Dan and Akin in this installation. They squeeze experiments exploring people’s decisions to share or withhold personal information, and the wisdom of such decisions.
- Research Paper: 'Hiding Personal Information Reveals the Worst' by Leslie K. John, Kate Barasz and Michael I. Norton

Wednesday Aug 14, 2019
Kilimanjaro to Cardiff
Wednesday Aug 14, 2019
Wednesday Aug 14, 2019
A date for your diaries: Wednesday 4 September. After releasing five pilot episodes, Dan and Akin are back in the studio recording a new batch of orange-squeezing episodes. Here, the duo update listeners on the podcast and what they've been up to of late.

Wednesday Aug 07, 2019
Let Go
Wednesday Aug 07, 2019
Wednesday Aug 07, 2019
Losing your job is cited as one of the top ten traumatic life experiences. Dan and Akin navigate research findings that offer a practical method of healing from the trauma and get hired faster.
- Research Paper: 'Expressive Writing and Coping with Job Loss' by Stefanie P. Spera, Eric D. Buhrfeind and James W. Pennebaker

Wednesday Jul 31, 2019
Minority Report
Wednesday Jul 31, 2019
Wednesday Jul 31, 2019
Small initiative, big impact. In this instalment, Dan and Akin discuss an intervention designed to help minority students improve their academic performance by reducing the psychological threat of negative stereotypes.
- Research Paper: 'Reducing the Racial Achievement Gap: A Social-Psychological Intervention' by Geoffrey L. Cohen, Julio Garcia, Nancy Apfel and Allison Master